Five Essential Marks Of Catholic Schools
What makes a school Catholic in the eyes of the Church? Here are Five Essential Marks of Catholic Schools from Archbishop J. Michael Miller’s Holy See’s Teaching on Catholic Schools. 1-Inspired by a Supernatural Vision As an institution, Catholic education is the formation of young individuals to be good citizens in the world and also lovers of God and neighbor. If we do not remember that our vocation has a supernatural vision, then we become not more than ‘a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal’. We must never forget that as academics play an essential part in our job, it is not only be all and end all of our roles. 2- Founded on a Christian Anthropology Catholic educators are implored to remember both the natural and supernatural elements of those with whom they are charged with care. It is part of their duty to address the requirements of both parts. They are called to inspire their teaching to the ‘Christian concept of the person, in communion wi...