Five Essential Marks Of Catholic Schools
What makes a school Catholic in the eyes of
the Church? Here are Five Essential Marks of Catholic Schools from Archbishop
J. Michael Miller’s Holy See’s Teaching on Catholic Schools.
by a Supernatural Vision
As an institution, Catholic education is
the formation of young individuals to be good citizens in the world and also
lovers of God and neighbor. If we do not
remember that our vocation has a supernatural vision, then we become not more
than ‘a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal’. We must never forget that as
academics play an essential part in our job, it is not only be all and end all
of our roles.
Founded on a Christian Anthropology
Catholic educators are implored to remember
both the natural and supernatural elements of those with whom they are charged
with care. It is part of their duty to
address the requirements of both parts.
They are called to inspire their teaching to the ‘Christian concept of
the person, in communion with the Magisterium of the Church’. For schools to be worthy of the title
Catholic, they must be centred in the person of Christ.
Animated by Communion and Community
School’s communal dimension is rooted
deeply in the social nature of humans; we are social creatures who are not
designed to be alone. A Catholic school
is described as a community in four areas: teamwork among all; cooperation
between educators and bishops; and interaction of students with teachers; and school’s
physical environment. In outlining these areas, the greatest stress is on the
sacramental and prayer life of the school and staff.
4- Imbued
with a Catholic Worldview
The spirit of Catholicism should pervade
through the whole curriculum, not just be an add-on. Faith is not to be restricted to Religious
Studies classes only the core values of faith should be seen in the pro-life teaching
in science, or in appreciation of Catholic iconography in Art, in the
understanding Catholic teaching on Social Justice in Social Studies or
understanding of caring for the Holy Spirit in Health.
Sustained by Gospel Witness
The Holy See states that ‘Catholic
educators are expected to be models by bearing transparent witness to Christ
and to the beauty of the gospel‘. If we allow
those in our care the best chance of growing in faith they must be role-modeled
to. As written by St Pope John Paul II ‘it is of utmost importance, the Church’s
institutions are genuinely Catholic’.
You may find many co-ed schools Melbourne, but St Monica’s College is a Catholic
co-educational secondary school and is regional in ownership and governance.
They promote the truths and values of Jesus Christ and fidelity to the message
of the Gospels.
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